Thursday, May 4th 2023

Sponsored  symposium N°1 by GE Healthcare: Anatomie dynamique

Chairman  Patrick Nataf
Moderators:  Audrey Poulat, Marie Aymami, Sébastien Ansaldi
  • 10h30: Simulation and teaching – E. Masseret (Rennes) et G. Le Gac (Rennes)
  • 11h00: Aortic root – TBC et M. Canevet (Nantes)
  • 11h30: Aortic insufficiency – C. Chabanne (Rennes) et S. Provenchère (Paris)
  • 12h00: Aortic insufficiency– A.Poulat (Paris) et M. Aymami (Rennes)

13h00 – Welcome buffet / exhibit hall visit

Sponsored symposium N°2 by Edwards Surgical: Aortic stenosis and aortic root : the news!

Chairman: Frédéric Collart
Moderators: Rémi Houël, Jean-Christian Roussel, Nicolas Ferrara
  • 13h30: Genetics, aortic wall, and clinical implications – G. Jondeau (Paris)
  • 13h45: The aortic stenosis in 2023 – B. Iung (Paris)
  • 14h00: Everything you have ever wanted to know about structural valve degeneration – T. Bourguignon (Tours)
  • 14h15: … Without having dared to ask ever… – T. Senage (Nantes)
  • 14h30: Panel

Sponsored symposium N°3 by Edwards THV: TAVR projections

Chairman:  Thomas Modine
Moderators: Jean-Philippe Verhoye, Philippe Commeau, Dominique Grisoli, Ziad Boueri,
  • 15h00: The structural operator in the future – H. Benamer (Paris)
  • 15h10: Canada : TAVI in North America – P-E. Noly (Montréal)
  • 15h20: TAVR training and statement of the french cardiac surgeons – P. Leprince, (Paris)
  • 15h30: The future european operators – M. Eid (Angers)
  • 15h40: TAVR in Morocco: where do we stand? – R. Belhaj (Maroc)
  • 15h50: Panel

16h10 – Coffee break / Exhibit hall visit

Sponsored symposium N°4 : TAVR across borders

Chairman: Alessandro Parolari
Moderators: André Vincentelli, Jean-François Obadia, Sébastien Gerelli
  • 16h30: LEACCS TAVR and the latin option – M. Sousa (Lisbonne)
  • 16h40: INTEGRITTY : what else ? – A. Anselmi (Rennes)
  • 16h50: INTEGRITTY and TAVR  – F. Barili (Cuneo)
  • 17h00: Data Base and French PMSI – S. Beurtheret (Marseille)
  • 17h10: Panel
  • 17h30: Adjourn  

Friday, May 5th 2023

Sponsored symposium N°5 : Driven by the future generations

Chairman: Christophe Baufreton
Moderators: Guillaume Guimbretière, Thierry Folliguet, Pierre-Emmanuel Noly
  • 7h15: Quentin Langouet
  • 7h20: Morgan Daniel
  • 7h25: Julien Maroufi
  • 7h30: Maroua Eid
  • 7h35: Imed Frikha
  • 7h40: Antoine Ducroix

Sponsored symposium N°6 : MASH’S JUNIORS in Europe

Chairman: Philippe Demers
Moderators: Olivier Fouquet, Gabriel Saiydoun, Maroua Eid, Jorge Pinheiro Santos
  • 8h00: How to work together ? – Zoom A.Zientara (Freiburg)
  • 8h10: Artificial intelligence and augmented reality for aortic surgery teaching  – M. Jungling (Lille)
  • 8h20: Training in aortic surgery within Europe : the different pathways – J. Duarte (Lisbon, Portugal)
  • 8h30: Panel

Sponsored symposium N°7 by Getinge & Peters: The aortic root over the guidelines

Chairman: Paul Achouh
Moderators: Fadi Farhat, Eric Braunberger, Jean-Philippe Verhoye
  • 8h45: The Ross procedure –Ph. Demers (Montréal)
  • 8h55: Going back to my “roots – A. Vincentelli (Lille)
  • 9h05: Aortic Surgery in India – Y. Mishra (New Delhi)
  • 9h15: Aortic valvuloplasty and mini-invasive surgery – O. Bouchot (Dijon)
  • 09h25: Endo-bentall – T. Gandet (Montpellier)
  • 09h35: When caring about the aortic root over the international recommendations – A. Haverich (Hanovre)
  • 9h45 : Panel

10h15 – Coffee Break / Exhibit hall visit

Sponsored symposium N°8 by Artivion : The arch(e)- type

Chairman: Mohamad Koussa
Moderators: Lionel Camilleri, Eric Steinmetz, Susumu Oshima
  • 10h30: Aortic arch : Evita fashion, what’s Neo – K. Tsagakis (Essen)
  • 10h40: Brain protection – W. Takayama (Kawasaki)
  • 10h50: The aortic arch by left thoracotomy – J. Tomasi (Rennes)
  • 11h00: AMDS: European experience – M.Montagner (Berlin)
  • 11h10: Acute FET: hindsight by Nicolas Bonnet – N. Bonnet (Paris)
  • 11h20: Aortic arch surgery : the Tunisian appoach – I. Frikha (Sfax)
  • 11h30: Endo-arch – S. Haulon (Paris)
  • 11h40: Panel


Moderators: Josette Dall’ava Santucci, Laurent Papazian, Jean-Philippe Verhoye
Invited high level sportmen
  • 12h15: Physical activity and Aorta in Europe – F. Carré (Rennes)
  • 12h45: The red voyager – J. Dall’ava Santucci

13h15 – Lunch

Sponsored symposium N°9 : Isthmus and descending aorta

Chairman: Elie Fadel
Moderators: Marine Gaudry, Blandine Maurel, Aurélia Bianchini
  • 14h30: Endovascular treatment of aorta coarctation in adults – P. Guérin (Nantes)
  • 14h45: Branched/fenestrated endografts : how far can we go?– A. Kaladji (Rennes)
  • 15h00: Aortic repair, the japanese approach – S. Oshima (Kawasaki)
  • 15h15: Must we still operate on TAAA in 2023? – C. Vaislic (Paris)
  • 15h30: Panel

15h50 – Coffee Break / Exhibit hall visit

Sponsored symposium N°10 by Terumo: Prosthesis infection : medical and surgical strategy

Chairman: Hervé Corbineau
Moderators: Yugal Kishore Mishra, Guillaume Lebreton, Jacques Tomasi,
  • 16h15: Prosthetic valve endocarditis – G. Habib (Marseille)
  • 16h30: Infected aortic prosthesis– M. Revest (Rennes)
  • 16h45: Infected Bentall : the redo – E. Flécher (Rennes)
  • 17h00: Endoleaks and stent explantation – K. Ozaki (Kawasaki)
  • 17h15: Panel
  • 17h30: Adjourn


Sponsored symposium N°11 : Driven by the future generations

Chairman: Olivier Chavanon
Moderators: Eric Bezon, Jean-François Fuzellier, Thomas Varin, Karl Bou Nader
  • 7h15: Mohamed Seddik
  • 7h20: Florent Le Bars
  • 7h25: Aiman Ghrab
  • 7h30: Bastien Poitier
  • 7h35 : Serena D’Avino
  • 7h40: Paul Borchiellini

Sponsored Symposium N°12 : Circulatory arrest

Chairman: Wataru Takayama
Moderators: Julien Amour, Guillaume Lebreton, Sophie Provenchère, Alessandro Parasido
  • 8h00: CPB and circulatory arrest – L. Ajrhourh (Rennes)
  • 8h15: Anesthesiology evolution for circulatory arrest – J-L. Fellahi (Lyon)
  • 8h30: Intensive care after circulatory arrest – J-L. Fellahi (Lyon)
  • 8h45: Panel

Sponsored symposium  N°13 : Aorta and research

Chairman: Michel Rochette
Moderators: Olivier Bouchot, Julien Guihaire, Eduard Quintana, Antoine Lucas
  • 9h00 : Residual dissection of the thoracic aorta to digital modelling – V. Delplano, et M. Gaudry (Marseille)
  • 9h15: Computer simulations of TEVAR : from experimental characterization to patient – specific cases – G. Dubini (Milan, Italia)
  • 9h30: Mixed reality and teleportation in heart surgery – P. Nataf, (Paris)
  • 9h45: Ascending aortic aneurysm growth prediction based on shape and fluid-dynamics biomarkers –  L. Geronsi (Rennes) et A. Martinez (Dijon)
  • 10h00: Numerical simulation : impact of morphology on the hemodynamics of aortic dissections – M.Kafi (Dijon) et C.Shao (Lyon)
  • 10h15: Aortic local biomechanical properties in the case of ascending aortic aneurysms – S.Lin (Dijon)
  • 10h30: Panel

10h45 – Coffee break / Exhibit hall visit


Moderators : Nicolas Bonnet, Jean-Philippe Verhoye, Elie Fadel
  • 11h00: Aortic surgery history – Jean Bachet (Paris)
  • 11h20: Posters Awards 

Sponsored symposium N°14 : Miscellaneous

Chairman: Thierry Langanay
Moderators: Thierry Caus, Robert Martinez, Jorge Roda
  • 12h00: Surgical management of aortic graft infection – E. Quintana (Barcelona, Spanish)
  • 12h10: RHU – M. Vola (Lyon)
  • 12h20: Valve sparing aortic root techniques: who’s better, who’s best? – F. Farhat (Lyon)
  • 12h30: Aortatlantic HUGO – C. Dubost (Nantes)
  • 12h40: Neuhauser’s anomaly treated by anterior approach : about 2 cases : seeing is not knowing – B. De Latour (Rennes)
  • 12h50: Sutureless valve and active aortic endocarditis  G. Allain (Poitiers), Rennes
  • 13h00: Tips and Tricks and live in the box aorta : acute aortic dissection and notmothermia- G. Guimbretière, (Nantes)
  • 13h10: Florida Sleeve Technique – N. Jaussaud (Marseille)
  • 13h50: Panel
  • 14h00: Adjourn

Registration fees

Registration including access to the scientific sessions during 2 1/2 days, the congress material, 5 coffee breaks and 2 lunches (Thursday and Friday) : 800 € TTC

Cheque: payable to MASH AOS to be sent to AOS Atout Organisation Science – 6 Rue Anne Gacon, 13016 Marseille
Bank transfer: a RIB will be sent to you in return for your written request to

To participate in this workshop, please contact the agency in charge of the event: